Use "was glad to see him|be glad to see him" in a sentence

1. I'll be glad to see the back of him .

2. I shall be glad to see the back of him.

3. She'll be so glad to see you.

4. Thank goodness ! He is leaving at last. I shall be glad to see the back of him.

5. She told herself she was glad to see the back of him, but it was not strictly true.

6. I was glad to see him, to reassure myself that I was still capable of assessing strangers and appreciating travel.

7. 27 He talked so much that they were really glad to see the back of him .

8. I am glad to see you.

9. I'm so glad to see you.

10. No, I'm not too upset that he left - in fact, I was glad to see the back of him.

11. Benjy was glad to see Alice and Norm leave.

12. She was feeling tired and was glad to lean against him.

13. He has gone, and I'm glad to be rid of him.

14. The people seem genuinely glad to see you.

15. It seldom was; but he was glad, I think, to see me.

16. I'm glad to see that you're keeping well.

17. I'm so glad to see you I could cry!

18. Aren't you glad to see old Detective Downs again?

19. I'm glad to see you're on the mend again.

20. They're too glad to see me to worry about authenticity.

21. I never been so glad to see an Indian.

22. I'm glad to see you home safe and sound.

23. I'm glad to see you up and about.Sentence dictionary

24. Well, I'm glad to see you still got old Bessie.

25. Lady, I was glad to see Sir Robert when he disembarked in London.

26. I was so badly behaved I was convinced she would be glad to see the back of me.

27. For all of this ought we not to be glad and make melody to Him?

28. His wife has left him but he is glad to be quit of her.

29. His manner not effusive , It'seldom was; but he was glad, I think, to see me.

30. I am glad to see you are up and about again.

31. She thought she'd never been so glad to see his bulky form.

32. I am glad to see that these two girls paling ip so well.

33. So long as you see fit to do this, I shall be glad to have you with me.

34. I am glad to see Flavio busted, I make no bones about that.

35. She says she is glad to see that the ukulele is gaining popularity.

36. Thou hast made him glad with thy Countenance Psalms 21:6

37. I' m glad to see you' re learning from those who came before you

38. The hotel staff were glad to see the back of such a difficult guest.

39. “It will be strange to see him

40. Although he would be glad to see the back of the lot of them, it wasn't yet time.

41. We are very glad to see that our grandfather is still alive and kicking.

42. I was somewhat surprised to see him.

43. She was sad to see him go.

44. I was resolved not to see him.

45. I see it in my periodic report and am glad I switched to Bevel

46. “I’m so glad to see Jehovah’s Witnesses still going around preaching,” one man said.

47. I'd be glad to finish you.

48. She was glad to see the back of them with their interfering ways and their lack of respect.

49. Besought Terrified to see him thus, the child clung to him and Besought him to be calm

50. Well, I'm glad to see you finally came to your senses and hired the staff back.

51. I was glad to see that the bad guy got his come-uppance at the end of the movie.

52. I was shocked to see him in tatters.

53. 14 She was secretly pleased to see him.

54. Issued a class, see her enraptured, asking what she has is glad.

55. I'd be only too glad to help.

56. I'd be glad to lend a hand.

57. With the sentries jeering and the kitchen girls free to throw dirt, glad to see her fallen?

58. I was trilled and honored to see him and shook hands with him.

59. Whenever I see him, he seems to be rushing .

60. Ljust went to see him.

61. I was called down to the ward to see him.

62. His mother was relieved to see him happy again.

63. It was agonizing for us to see him struggle.

64. When Mozart’s publisher received the piece, he was shocked to see such bawdy language and Bowdlerized the text to read, “Let us be glad!” (Which, I …

65. Charles was glad to have his surmise confirmed.

66. Kennedy raised him, it was pitiable to see his feeble limbs bend under him.

67. How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that Announceth glad tidings, that publisheth peace; that Announceth glad tidings of good, that publisheth …

68. I'll be glad to do it for you.

69. I felt glad to be back in harness.

70. He was glad to have his surmise confirmed.

71. (1 Timothy 1:11) And, as we read in Proverbs, Jesus was “glad before him all the time.”

72. Master wants you to see him

73. I dropped by to see him.

74. It was hard to see him clearly in the twilight .

75. He was glad he'd come.

76. Ready to be Awkwardly you? We’re glad you’re here.

77. 7 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that Announceth glad tidings, that publisheth peace; that Announceth glad tidings of good, that publisheth …

78. As soon as he turned to open the gate the Prophet sprang up from his chair and ran and met him in the yard, exclaiming, ‘O Brother—–, how glad I am to see you!’

79. I'm glad to hear it.

80. I was glad to awake from such a nightmare.